Where do the principles in a society come from and what makes people adhere to them? Of course, the answer is multipronged. As a consequence, any discussion can and often gets bogged down because depending upon what one bases the principle upon the conclusions vary. I tend to view life through the lenses of the natural law. Not an easy topic but an acceptance of core beliefs is needed to move forward societally. One of the first and worst principles is that “might is right” and because of strength everything must bend to that strength. Unless people and their various societies don’t aspire to impose their will on different groups then harmony will never occur.

In implementing the Mathmatecum it has always been our aim to make membership as equitable as possible. The cost to join is different for individuals only based upon age. No other criteria – something that transcends ethnicity, nationality or religious beliefs. The tie that binds is the desire to create passive and generational income for members. In our current sixth year we have already experienced three keys to what we believed would make the Mathmatecum wildly successful. Firstly, the Members Money is greater than what was paid in by members by 5% and due to the demise of members there are 5.6% fewer members to currently share in the yearly income. Perhaps the best of all is the fact that 4% of members have already received the return of the membership money they put into the Mathmatecum and can look forward to getting income in the years to come.

Formicalism is the new social and economic system I espouse because its driving force is the wellbeing of every member of society and not just an elite few. Until everyone in society is sheltered, fed, and medically cared for then and only then should governments proceed with more than the necessities of infrastructure. No individual should be deprived from accumulating wealth as long as they pay their fair share of taxes. It is a basic tenet of Formicalism that income taxes if imposed should be a flat tax and that tax should be imposed on corporations as well. Amazing how the flat tax died as an idea when neither of the two major political parties here in the U.S. even choose to talk about the concept. Details of this type of system can be discussed in the future in this blog.

In every household I think there are things that need doing but get kicked down the road year after year. Well yesterday I began to go through a storage area and got hit with a blast from the past: Beanie Babies! In clearing out I so far found two of these toys and though they only go back to 2000 and 2006 found that they appreciated three and fivefold their value when purchased. Now to try and get the money. Now I am challenged to decide whether or not I take my jar of pocket change to the bank for deposit or go through the change looking for coins of numismatic value? I think I now know why storage spaces are avoided like the plague.