This of course is not a spoiler alert because you know I am what they call a numbers guy. As many times mentioned in my blogs two things that make the Mathmatecum work so well is the fact that there is a pour over feature in its system and the magic of compound interest. There are also two other features that make the Mathmatecum singularly unique, and they are that membership has a limit and also that if that limit is not met by 12/31/41 membership closes automatically. Take note that as a result of the pour over feature Membership Monies have increased after 12/31/22 by 3.7%.  By 12/31/23 the monies further increased 4.8%. If God forbid not even one more person joins the Mathmatecum in the future the Members Monies will increase year after year.

Once again, the plan in the Mathmatecum is based on the assumption that the average yearly rate of return will be at least 2% during its duration. The first two years saw returns of 2.75% and 1.63% respectively. For the next 2.5 years the rates have been in six month increments of 7.12%, 9.62%, 6.89%, 4.3%, and 5.27%!  This last rate is guaranteed at least until October 31, 2024.The highest full year rate of return was 8.33% during 2022.

With all the uncertainties of political turmoil during this election year and the conflagrations in Gaza and Ukraine it would seem prudent for people (especially those over 60 years of age) to look to CD’s, which are US government guaranteed, as a safe harbor for at least the next year.

I drove through Chinatown on my way back home today and saw out in front of stores all sorts of fresh produce and it triggered memories of my grade school years in Paterson, NJ. Walking to school I passed two grocery stores where produce was displayed in the same manner. The first store was owned by the Rodelo family and the second was owned by my uncle where I got to learn about what it was to work. My job was to help bring in the produce at evening time and my pay was a seasonal desert – my favorite was a Charlotte Russ, Mrs. Smith’s pie slices were next: Coconut Custard, Pumpkin, Blueberry, Apple, and Cherry all to this day still get my mouth to watering.