I am aware that fear is one of life’s great motivators! It is right up there with greed and lust but for heaven’s sake don’t let the mind grabbers get you. Check out the internet and see that rather than saying that the economy seems to be moving in a particular direction the lead sentences say “recession looming” or ” inflation ready to hit ” none of which is good. Of course, these ominous warnings are to try to get you to do something – usually to buy something. I’m not suggesting that writers should be Polly Annas but should temper their Chicken Little approach to life!

As of today, 30% of checks issued to members have already been cashed. For members and nonmembers know that the checks this year were smaller than the year before due to changes in the economy precipitated by the Federal Reserve. Because the joint pot of money invested on behalf of members of the Mathmatecum is restricted to U.S. government guaranteed instruments the Fed is key. While income decreased for individuals the collective membership monies increased and did not lose ground because of inflation. Due to the volatility of money markets, it is not yet possible to know whether next year will improve. Since its inception the Mathmatecum has greatly exceeded income that was anticipated at its planning.

Not being a seer, I will not try to guess what the Supreme Court will decide about whether or not ex-president Trump should be allowed to be on primary or final ballots. I will of course give my opinion on their ruling after they make it. More important to you and me I believe is what each of the men says they will do if they win reelection. I propose to both that they address the aspects of Formicalism .Here in simple form are some of its tenants:

  1. Government Financed Elections
  2. Flat Tax
  3. Medicare for all citizens
  4. Social Security for all citizens
  5. Guaranteed housing for all citizens minimum 300 sq. ft. per person
  6. Rent tied to minimum wage.
  7. Free education through doctoral degree
  8. Tax on unrealized income.
  9. Net worth tax
  10. Revamp of estate and inheritance taxes
  11. TTFN
  12. JAI BABA
  13. JU